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Sunday, 9 January 2022

FH Dry Build - Rear Brake Pedal Pivot

Assembling the FERC has revealed another little challenge - the brake pedal pivot will not fit without hitting the lower section of the FERC. This one, which came with the kit is identical to the one fitted to my 1951 Square Four and is 96.5 mm long:

AOMCC member Dean Waters provided this picture along with the information that his pivot was 92.5 mm long. Ariel did not change the part number of this component (which is 5412-51), but since it will function on non-FERC machines just as well in the shorter form, there was no need to change the part number.

You can see that Dean's is still very close to the FERC but does not touch it:

It's a simple matter to turn a few millimetres off in the lathe.

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