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Wednesday, 8 January 2025

FH - toolbox, charging and other progress

 The toolbox is back on:

In other news, the primary case now has oil and the FERC is no longer dripping oil all over the bench. The oil tank now has a felt wick for the chain case feed:

It's made from a strip of felt, 10 mm x 10 mm x 25 mm:

I made this short video to record the fact that the battery is now charging after we re-polarized the dynamo and updated the RB108:

Doesn't the engine sound great! I got it started a couple of times using Easy-Start, but it only ran for a second or two. Playing around with the fuel supply, I eventually tickled it for a long time - until I had a flood under the carburettor. It started and ran perfectly, but needs choke - perhaps I am starting to learn the technique?

To report on a couple more things: the clutch cover screws are a bit short of thread - there is a 1/16" unthreaded section under the head - cutting the thread on that bit will allow them to go fully home. I've put shake proof washers on them for the moment.

I've failed to improve the front brake - any more turns on the adjuster just lock it solid. It will have to come apart.

The oil banjos on the rocker box are in good shape - they have a lot of contact area though, so they have to be very tight to seal. I've smeared a bit of Wellseal on them which seems to have done the trick.

Number plate next, then the instrument panel and lastly the fuel tank.

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