Tuesday, 21 January 2025

FH - more brakes

 Moving on to the front brake, it's time to unearth the mysteries of the full width hub. This is the view from the parts book:

It looks like the brass bearing retainer used in the half width hub is still there but now has a sheet steel ring riveted to it retaining a small felt grease seal. This one has been a bit butchered and the steel ring is loose:

The one on the other side is still in place. That tube passes through the bearing and acts as a centralising mount for the brake plate:

As might be expected, there's a thin coating of rust on the drum, easily cleaned with various abrasive papers.

This spacer fits over the tube in the previous picture, between the brake plate and the fork leg. It was stuck in the fork leg - I guess there is some paint to clean out.

Both the shoes are glazed. This is the trailing shoe:

This is the leading shoe, though there is no lead-in chamfer:

As we found at the rear, the parts are all present and in good shape - but no lead in chamfer:

As an aide-memoire, while I clear out the paint from the front axle clamp in the fork leg, note that the drain plug is missing and there is obviously no oil to damp the fork movement!

Next job is to add a lead-in chamfer to both shoes and to reassemble & retest. After that it's:

  1. Fit the tank knee rubbers and aluminium trims
  2. Fit the tank, not forgetting to soak the fuel tap first
  3. Sort out the wiring routing under the dashboard and find the dashboard fixing screws
  4. Replace the rims and spokes when the tyres turn up.

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