The FH kit came with the original dual seat, cover intact, which I dismantled:
Underneath, there is enough space for a sandwich or two and I toyed with making the seat lift up for a while - I even made some hinges to try it out but considering the options for locking I realised that I was on a crusade that would be neat, but wouldn't achieve very much. I put the idea away for another day.
The seats were originally retained with Spire clips and screws, fastened from underneath before the oil tank was fitted - you cannot get to all the screws with the oil tank in place. Most of the holes for these had been damaged over the years, some severely.
As you know, I'm not a cheque book restorer and I hate throwing things away, so I resolved to repair the seat base. Since the Spire clips are not available and were meant to aid rapid assembly - no need for a separate operation to fit weld studs, for example - I decided to repair the holes with small plates with weld nuts.
I cut the holes out with a thin cutting wheel in the Dremel.

Not too shabby. There's a bit more to do at the back - those curved closing plates are holed but more of that later.