Sunday 20 October 2024

FH - creeping forward

 That hasn't been much of a week. My wife and I have both been in bed with the flu, so nothing much has happened on any of my bikes or any other job come to that; I even had to cancel a railway trip this week. 

However, the oil tank is hooked up and I started to try and crank over the engine using the gearbox mainshaft nut as an access point. It was quickly shown to me that using a power drill here was not an option, because of course we're driving through the clutch and a primary gear ratio to get to the engine unlike the last time I did this which was directly to the square four front crankshaft.

I've been cranking by hand using a half inch ratchet spanner. I've got oil at the relief valve:

I've got oil at the return filter, which proves that the return filter union connections weren't tight enough. 

Trouble is I don't have oil at the tank return connection yet, nor at the rocker box banjo connections:

More cranking required. Maybe I’ll roll it down the hill?

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